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Number of people in WL - 4SIS Department: 17
Maximum Salary:$ 138,513.33
Average Salary:$ 57,629.40
Minimum Salary:$ 3,431.20

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Fouche, Rayvon D WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 138,513.33
Mullen, Bill V WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 121,478.58
Stephens, Ronald J WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 113,844.20
Boisseau, Tracey J WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 107,403.52
Cooky, Cheryl A WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 81,746.51
Stein, Jay M WL - 4SIS Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 80,000.02
Trieu, Monica M WL - 4SIS Faculty $ 70,903.94
Purpura, Ashley M WL - 4SIS Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 70,297.57
Graham, Delayne K WL - 4SIS Operations/Technical $ 40,507.62
Stokes, Matilda B WL - 4SIS Clerical $ 31,937.61
Plantenga, Brandi J WL - 4SIS Clerical $ 29,982.40
Vestal, Kimberly K WL - 4SIS Operations/Technical $ 25,586.28
Wenger, Alice A WL - 4SIS Clerical $ 24,873.61
Stanfill, Melissa K WL - 4SIS Post Doc Intern Res $ 20,842.77
Ryba, Thomas W WL - 4SIS Continuing Lecturer $ 14,700.56
Cohn, Andrew P WL - 4SIS Limited Term Lect $ 3,650.00
Weatherford, Adam L WL - 4SIS Limited Term Lect $ 3,431.20

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