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Number of people in WL - 4PP High Sch Department: 4
Maximum Salary:$ 244,622.58
Average Salary:$ 108,318.96
Minimum Salary:$ 24,411.85

Purdue University Salaries for 2017 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Bess, Scott E WL - 4PP High Sch Mgmt/Prof $ 244,622.58
Howard, Margaret S WL - 4PP High Sch Mgmt/Prof $ 116,232.49
Mann, Kristi D WL - 4PP High Sch Mgmt/Prof $ 48,008.93
Bowling, Joshua S WL - 4PP High Sch Admin/Prof $ 24,411.85

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Purkey, Michelle WL - 4PP High Sch Service
Martin, Jean WL - 4Police Dept Temporary Cler/Serv
Schwarz, WL - 4VPTL Operations/Technical
Stillwell, WL - Office of Engagement Student
Imer, Henry WL - Animal Sciences Mgmt/Prof
Uzubell, Susan WL - Vice President for P Admin/Prof
Wu, Yu-Chiao FW - Psychology Professional
Wilbur, Joseph WL - Dir of Undergrad Adv Post doc
Okamoto Protsman, CAL - Chancellor Fire/Police Mgmt
Rantz, Lynne WL - Office of VP for Phy Clerical
Ozturk, Oguz Kaan CAL - Vice Chancellor for Limited Term Lect

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