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Number of people in WL - 4Convenience Department: 6
Maximum Salary:$ 48,420.60
Average Salary:$ 32,838.75
Minimum Salary:$ 21,440.07

Purdue University Salaries for 2013 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Thompson, Diana L WL - 4Convenience Mgmt/Prof $ 48,420.60
Crabtree, Kenneth A WL - 4Convenience Admin/Prof $ 46,021.51
Ledman, Penny A WL - 4Convenience Service $ 30,961.97
Foresman, Judy L WL - 4Convenience Service $ 28,646.87
Beckham, Barbara T WL - 4Convenience Service $ 21,541.48
Lieu, Brandon J WL - 4Convenience Service $ 21,440.07

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Othman, Nelly WL - 4Convenience Service
Altstatt, NC - Student Counseling Admin/Prof
Weldon, Betty CAL - Graduate School Adm Operations/Technical
Forgalska, WL - Hawkins Hall Mgmt/Prof
Nowling, Gary WL - College of Liberal A faculty
Domke, WL - Managerial Accountin Temporary Cler/Serv
Beckman, Fredrick WL - CARE Program Student
Glasson, Patricia WL - Quantum Sci/Eng Inst Graduate Student
Soposky, Marla CAL - 1CollegeofED Post Doc
Millen, WL - Human Development an Temporary
Keeney, Philip WL - VTH Ophthalmology Professional

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