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Number of people in WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Department: 5
Maximum Salary:$ 66,304.50
Average Salary:$ 48,674.47
Minimum Salary:$ 35,463.46

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Spears, Becky M WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Mgmt/Prof $ 66,304.50
Hardy, Valerie C WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Admin/Prof $ 50,775.78
Hartman, Pamela R WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Admin/Prof $ 48,837.48
Wojtalewicz, Clifford J WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Admin/Prof $ 41,991.14
Iseminger, Cynthia L WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Admin/Prof $ 35,463.46

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Mazurek, WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Admin/Prof
Pieper, WL - Computer Science Operations/Technical
Hallberg, WL - 4Saf and Sec Limited Term Lect
Will, WL - Accounting Services Mgmt/Prof
Chen, Kuan-hua WL - LD Service
Smith, Ronald WL - Enrollment Mgmt Student
Alvarez, Oscar NC - Admissions Limited Term Lecture
Oderman, Dale WL - Honors College Faculty
Kocher, WL - 4Saf and Sec Post Doc Intern Res
Maze, WL - Managerial Communica Fire/Police BW Sal
Mugheirbi, Naila CAL - Ctr for Innov thru Professional

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