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Number of people in NC - Foreign Languages Department: 1
Maximum Salary:$ 1,994.99
Average Salary:$ 1,994.99
Minimum Salary:$ 1,994.99

Purdue University Salaries for 2016 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Flynn, Andrea D NC - Foreign Languages Limited Term Lect $ 1,994.99

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Szpankowski, WL - English Continuing Lecturer
Ropp, Timothy WL - Ag Info Tech Limited Term Lect
Lam, Stephanie WL - LD Executive
Lank, Gary WL - Enrollment Mgmt Service
Ellrich, Roy NC - Admissions Admin/Prof
Roychoudhury, WL - Honors College Post Doc Intern Res
Weaver, WL - 4Saf and Sec Resident
Devine, Barbara WL - Accounting Services Clerical

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