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Number of people in NC - Communication Department: 10
Maximum Salary:$ 82,542.03
Average Salary:$ 34,570.00
Minimum Salary:$ 3,100.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Wilbur, Daniel S NC - Communication & Faculty $ 82,542.03
Smithson, V S NC - Communication & Faculty $ 79,172.96
Shires, Victor J NC - Communication & Faculty $ 72,546.02
Higgins, Carolyn J NC - Communication & Clinical/Research $ 53,080.44
Thompson, Krista B NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 27,008.45
Herd, Alexandra L NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 10,800.02
Robertson, Rochelle R NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 8,150.02
Huber, Dori M NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 6,200.05
Kassal, George J NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 3,100.01
Anderson, Janet M NC - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 3,100.00

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