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Number of people in FW - Theatre Department: 15
Maximum Salary:$ 105,765.36
Average Salary:$ 38,927.66
Minimum Salary:$ 2,001.02

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Redman, Beverly A FW - Theatre Faculty $ 105,765.36
Humphrey, Craig A FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 99,722.06
Casazza, Jeffrey C FW - Theatre Faculty $ 61,037.15
Ridgeway, Mark A FW - Theatre Faculty $ 58,373.70
Stover, James P FW - Theatre Faculty $ 58,259.46
Shoquist, Robert K FW - Theatre Clinical/Research $ 53,844.24
Pendleton, Jeanne N FW - Theatre Clinical/Research $ 53,052.00
Schultz, Joanne R FW - Theatre Support $ 35,217.26
Rausch, Austin M FW - Theatre Visiting Faculty $ 27,511.12
Coughlin, Brittney T FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 12,341.95
Lewis, Shelby L FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 6,002.99
Lee, Corey E FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 4,564.51
Knott, Holly A FW - Theatre Temporary $ 3,422.08
Mikautadze, Elizabeth R FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 2,800.01
Brandt, Katherine M FW - Theatre Limited Term Lecture $ 2,001.02

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Curfman, Eric FW - Library Faculty
Brower, Jeffrey WL - Business Office Mana Limited Term Lect
Lee, Kyung Hee WL - Business Office Mana Temporary Cler/Serv
George, Judy WL - Business Office Mana Operations/Technical
Bernstein, Mark WL - WL ERHT RA Fire/Police BW Sal
Holsclaw, Shianne FW - Communication Post Doc
Myers, Robert WL - X-ray Recharge Service

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