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Number of people in FW - Psychology Department: 25
Maximum Salary:$ 141,895.96
Average Salary:$ 54,657.74
Minimum Salary:$ 40.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Schwab, Abraham P FW - Psychology Faculty $ 141,895.96
Lawton, Carol A FW - Psychology Faculty $ 104,647.39
Jackson, Jay W FW - Psychology Faculty $ 99,015.58
Diclementi, Jeannie D FW - Psychology Faculty $ 97,427.76
Hill, Craig A FW - Psychology Faculty $ 90,263.46
Lundy, Brenda L FW - Psychology Faculty $ 89,901.97
Vartanian, Lesa R FW - Psychology Faculty $ 87,223.54
Drouin, Michelle A FW - Psychology Faculty $ 86,862.33
Ross, Jody M FW - Psychology Faculty $ 84,840.85
Miller, Daniel A FW - Psychology Faculty $ 79,538.05
Kaiser, Daren H FW - Psychology Faculty $ 72,603.36
Voss, Raymond P FW - Psychology Visiting Faculty $ 57,034.54
Young, David M FW - Psychology Faculty $ 54,347.55
Bendele, Michael S FW - Psychology Continuing Lecturer $ 53,804.87
Ross, Mary K FW - Psychology Professional $ 42,823.01
Perkins, Amy E FW - Psychology Faculty $ 33,017.31
Matyas, Jessica J FW - Psychology Visiting Faculty $ 29,262.26
Simpson, Sara A FW - Psychology Support $ 22,921.32
Stewart, Michelle L FW - Psychology Support $ 15,892.00
Kaspar, Mandy FW - Psychology Support $ 15,405.00
Williams, Ronald N FW - Psychology Limited Term Lecture $ 2,500.04
Rebman, Victor L FW - Psychology Limited Term Lecture $ 2,473.04
De Young, Nathaniel J FW - Psychology Limited Term Lecture $ 2,175.00
Rennaker, Donovan C FW - Psychology Temporary $ 527.40
Nissley, Hannah N FW - Psychology Temporary $ 40.00

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