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Number of people in FW - Institutional Resear Department: 4
Maximum Salary:$ 119,847.48
Average Salary:$ 62,657.31
Minimum Salary:$ 9,636.22

Purdue University Salaries for 2011 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Dahl, John C FW - Institutional Resear Mgmt/Prof $ 119,847.48
Baden, William W FW - Institutional Resear Admin/Prof $ 79,470.54
Eagleson, Mystee N FW - Institutional Resear Admin/Prof $ 41,675.00
Wilkinson, Robert B FW - Institutional Resear Mgmt/Prof $ 9,636.22

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Jaynes, Heather FW - Institutional Resear Admin/Prof
Borovsky, Michael WL - Department of Health Temporary A/P
Ogiuchi, Sayuri FW - Continuing Studies Clinical/Research
Shriner, FW - Marketing Publicati Student
Doucette, FW - Project Management Professional
Lawrence, James WL - 4UR/ResLife Clerical
Huber, Matthew FW - Dental Education Operations/Technical
Barker, Curtis NC - Development Office Faculty
Hochstedler, Khala CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Service
Schory, Staci NC - Heating and Power Fire/Police Mgmt
Dearing, Darrin CAL - 1Athletics Fire/Police BW Sal

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