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Number of people in FW - Grounds Department: 21
Maximum Salary:$ 56,634.00
Average Salary:$ 24,513.99
Minimum Salary:$ 2,197.60

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Smith, Tad J FW - Grounds Mgmt/Prof $ 56,634.00
Johnston, James E FW - Grounds Service $ 50,356.90
Alexander, Brian J FW - Grounds Service $ 49,915.82
Weber, Richard S FW - Grounds Service $ 47,452.87
Bassett, Clifton J FW - Grounds Service $ 38,326.05
Rowley, Steve G FW - Grounds Service $ 37,895.37
Graf, Dennis E FW - Grounds Service $ 30,665.98
McCowan, Steven A FW - Grounds Service $ 26,186.08
Peterson, Don R FW - Grounds Service $ 25,398.92
Freese, Daniel S FW - Grounds Service $ 25,315.03
Hawley, Ryan L FW - Grounds Service $ 23,984.10
Schroeder, Douglas W FW - Grounds Service $ 23,595.84
Ghaster, Mark A FW - Grounds Service $ 21,441.55
Reamer, David J FW - Grounds Service $ 13,341.24
Yoquelet, Thomas A FW - Grounds Service $ 10,403.25
Gustin, Kevin E FW - Grounds Service $ 8,298.72
Tobolski, Jessica M FW - Grounds Service $ 8,068.04
Thornburg, Myles R FW - Grounds Service $ 5,824.44
Fitzgerald, Taylor M FW - Grounds Service $ 4,858.38
Gonzagowski, Lynda L FW - Grounds Service $ 4,633.68
Hudson, John R FW - Grounds Temporary Cler/Serv $ 2,197.60

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Savage, NC - Admissions Temporary Cler/Serv
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