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Number of people in FW - General Stores Oper Department: 5
Maximum Salary:$ 38,783.01
Average Salary:$ 18,123.68
Minimum Salary:$ 4,800.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Tulley, Marcus L FW - General Stores Oper Service $ 38,783.01
Tisdale, William H FW - General Stores Oper Service $ 25,287.49
Seibel, Brianna L FW - General Stores Oper Service $ 16,823.00
Byard, Marla E FW - General Stores Oper Service $ 4,924.92
Peasley, Brian s FW - General Stores Oper Service $ 4,800.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
montalvo, FW - General Stores Oper Admin/Prof
Fontaine, Karen CAL - 1AdvisingCtr Student
Burr, Jason WL - VTH Radx Therapy Professional
Whalen, Lachlan FW - English and Linguist Service
Mintert, James NC - Finance Operations/Technical
Campbell, Charles WL - South East ISBDC Mgmt/Prof
Bell, WL - Center for Paralysis Temporary Cler/Serv
Carlson, Donald FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Clinical/Research
Running, Andrew NC - Student Counseling Temporary A/P
Hall, Andrew CAL - Graduate School Adm Clerical
Wolff, WL - 4Chem Faculty

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