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Number of people in FW - English and Linguist Department: 67
Maximum Salary:$ 117,686.80
Average Salary:$ 31,619.25
Minimum Salary:$ 2,165.02

Purdue University Salaries for 2013 Page 1 of 3
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Stapleton, Michael L FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 117,686.80
Aasand, Hardin FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 112,983.00
Amidon, Stevens R FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 88,062.60
Kalamaras, George W FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 78,629.70
Cain, Maryann FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 77,538.60
Lin, Lidan FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 77,314.21
Hile, Rachel E FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 73,114.61
Roberts, Lewis C FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 72,191.00
Sun, Hao FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 69,541.87
Webb-Sunderhaus, Sara FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 69,361.53
Rumsey, Suzanne K FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 65,364.43
Stewart, Jennifer L FW - English and Linguist Continuing Lecturer $ 64,772.85
Bassett, Troy J FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 62,327.61
Huffman, Debrah L FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 62,188.22
White, Kristin K FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 62,062.53
Bischoff, Shannon T FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 61,364.25
Simon, Beth L FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 60,969.44
Weller, Worth H FW - English and Linguist Continuing Lecturer $ 57,985.67
Sandman, Sarah E FW - English and Linguist Continuing Lecturer $ 55,266.04
Fleming, Damian J FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 54,622.54
Dehr, Karol A FW - English and Linguist Continuing Lecturer $ 53,879.18
Crisler, Curtis L FW - English and Linguist Faculty $ 53,610.98
Anders, Irene FW - English and Linguist Continuing Lecturer $ 40,722.94
Grant, Sinikka M FW - English and Linguist Limited Term Lect $ 29,188.01
Manor, Pamela S FW - English and Linguist Clerical $ 27,979.04
Luce, Teri L FW - English and Linguist Clerical $ 24,442.15
Howard, Shante N FW - English and Linguist Clerical $ 24,190.42
Totten, Charles J FW - English and Linguist Temporary Cler/Serv $ 22,293.56
Preus, Christian A FW - English and Linguist Limited Term Lect $ 19,400.40
Bausser, Janet J FW - English and Linguist Limited Term Lect $ 16,748.84

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