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Number of people in FW - Bursar Department: 10
Maximum Salary:$ 70,402.44
Average Salary:$ 30,378.26
Minimum Salary:$ 2,529.80

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Hendrickson, Janell R FW - Bursar & Stu Fin M/P Management $ 70,402.44
Hoover, Kristi A FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Professional $ 45,021.60
Donat, Audrey G FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Management $ 44,770.75
Alexander, Paula K FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Professional $ 41,012.94
Mills, Justin B FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 34,463.23
Price, Kirsten M FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 25,235.23
Garbacz, Ashley M FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 17,366.35
Smith, Logan T FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 16,297.45
Schmaltz, Michael A FW - Bursar & Stu Fin M/P Management $ 6,682.77
Swaidner, Aaron R FW - Bursar & Stu Fin Support $ 2,529.80

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Elizalde, Nathaniel NC - Heating and Power faculty
Lanczy, FW - Visual and Performing facult
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