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Number of people in FW - 2StuSucTrans Department: 10
Maximum Salary:$ 63,372.35
Average Salary:$ 39,538.00
Minimum Salary:$ 6,523.96

Purdue University Salaries for 2014 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Busby, Bruce S FW - 2StuSucTrans Mgmt/Prof $ 63,372.35
Meriwether, Rhonda L FW - 2StuSucTrans Mgmt/Prof $ 61,805.64
Creager, Kristina L FW - 2StuSucTrans Mgmt/Prof $ 58,290.00
Rynearson, Alison K FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 45,669.32
Lehto, Mary E FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 43,102.21
Frye, Marietta W FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 39,392.26
Fox, Corrie N FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 34,570.96
Coughlin, Lynette R FW - 2StuSucTrans Clerical $ 26,697.92
Case, Karen C FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 15,955.34
Lewis, Ron S FW - 2StuSucTrans Admin/Prof $ 6,523.96

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Glasson, Patricia WL - Enrollment Mgmt Admin/Prof
Mason, Linda NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt faculty
Schwartz, Erin WL - Director of Dining Clinical/Research
Linn, Tracy FW - Engineering and Techno Operations/Technical
Raghunathan, WL - Materials Engineerin Mgmt/Prof
McLane, Sean WL - Woodland Management Fire/Police BW Sal
Howald, Terrance NC - Switchboard Operatio Clerical

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