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Number of people in FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Department: 5
Maximum Salary:$ 70,377.41
Average Salary:$ 42,798.13
Minimum Salary:$ 28,606.12

Purdue University Salaries for 2017 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Price, Kasey M FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Mgmt/Prof $ 70,377.41
Rynearson, Alison K FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Admin/Prof $ 50,187.42
Anderson, Jason S FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Admin/Prof $ 35,357.64
Barcus, Amanda E FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Operations/Technical $ 29,462.04
Whitney, Danna L FW - 2StuLifLdrsh Clerical $ 28,606.12

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Collingsworth, Paris WL - 4Chem Operations/Technical
Fehrman, Sarah WL - Latino Cultural Cent Mgmt/Prof
Ploehn, WL - IT State Student
Gudehus, Hilmar WL - Anthropology Temporary Cler/Serv
Mancing, Howard WL - Office of Government Clinical/Research
Kasche, WL - 4Wind Dining Temporary A/P
Slamovich, Elliott CAL - Purchasing and Gene Clerical
Fontaine, Karen WL - 4VP Research Faculty

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