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Number of people in FW - 2Polytechnic Department: 48
Maximum Salary:$ 126,090.78
Average Salary:$ 37,404.46
Minimum Salary:$ 415.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 2 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jafri, Tehzeeb H FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 5,931.99
Schaffer, Morton S FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 5,760.00
Ormiston, Jonathan P FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 5,725.98
Fingerle, Isaac P FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 4,474.00
Hall, Jonathan D FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 4,439.98
Ward, John M FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 4,120.03
Klinger, Rodney J FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,693.02
Bender, Joseph D FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,693.02
Steininger, Julie A FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,594.00
Safdar, Athar FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,428.02
Grey, Joseph P FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,200.00
Police, John J FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 3,045.02
Worthman, Joshua D FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 2,993.00
Terwiel, Thomas N FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 2,693.98
DeMond, Derek P FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 2,122.02
Mull, Dennis K FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 2,122.02
Kiproff, Gregory G FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 2,047.99
Durnell, Victoria C FW - 2Polytechnic Clerical $ 415.00

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