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Number of people in FW - 2Polytechnic Department: 48
Maximum Salary:$ 126,090.78
Average Salary:$ 37,404.46
Minimum Salary:$ 415.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2018 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Steffen, Gary D FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 126,090.78
Broberg, Harold L FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 105,336.35
Narang, Ramesh V FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 94,107.92
Momoh, Omonowo D FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 93,732.73
Dupen, Barry FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 91,238.60
Balouchestani-Asli, Mohammadreza FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 90,931.70
Luo, Hongli FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 88,027.61
Pablo, Reynaldo M FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 87,566.97
Parker, Michelle R FW - 2Polytechnic Clin Res or NonTT $ 86,678.45
Alasti, Hadi FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 85,743.05
Pinan-Llamas, Aranzazu FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 82,195.29
Mitchell, John D FW - 2Polytechnic Admin/Prof $ 76,588.87
Elahi, Behin FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 73,055.35
LeBoulluec, Peter L FW - 2Polytechnic Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 69,344.13
Liang, Zhongming FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 68,621.54
Mohammadpour, Atefeh FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 68,209.80
Hamilton, Timothy A FW - 2Polytechnic Continuing Lecturer $ 63,367.28
Lin, Paul I FW - 2Polytechnic Faculty $ 49,694.88
Fruchey, Michael R FW - 2Polytechnic Continuing Lecturer $ 44,837.40
Lara, Holly M FW - 2Polytechnic Clerical $ 42,553.01
Ralston, Maurice E FW - 2Polytechnic Service $ 42,096.28
Leichty, Laura S FW - 2Polytechnic Clerical $ 21,143.62
Tilbury, Robert A FW - 2Polytechnic Temporary Cler/Serv $ 15,334.75
Seiman, Eugene F FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 14,980.01
Hood, Keith N FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 13,670.01
Marsh, Glen O FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 9,429.07
Farny, Thomas C FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 8,262.00
Kinzie, Eric C FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 6,810.64
Miller, David F FW - 2Polytechnic Limited Term Lect $ 6,200.03
Franke, Bruce A FW - 2Polytechnic Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 6,066.99

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Buchanan, FW - 2Athletics Temporary Cler/Serv
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Alban, Don CAL - EMSA Reporting Post Doc

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