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Number of people in CAL - University Library Department: 14
Maximum Salary:$ 74,796.00
Average Salary:$ 43,319.16
Minimum Salary:$ 27,287.10

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jones, LaShawn M CAL - University Library Mgmt/Prof $ 74,796.00
Shen, Lan CAL - University Library Faculty $ 60,034.38
Chapman, Sammy J CAL - University Library Admin/Prof $ 53,905.12
Coates, Joseph D CAL - University Library Admin/Prof $ 52,028.10
Ludwig, Bobbi J CAL - University Library Admin/Prof $ 50,007.00
Rezak, Sheila A CAL - University Library Faculty $ 47,706.54
Keith, Marcia G CAL - University Library Admin/Prof $ 46,098.06
Wafford, Qorvette E CAL - University Library Admin/Prof $ 34,166.19
Fuentes, Maria J CAL - University Library Clerical $ 32,772.19
Gomez, Naomi C CAL - University Library Clerical $ 32,662.00
Gonzalez, Eloise M CAL - University Library Clerical $ 32,542.40
Starks, Dorothy CAL - University Library Clerical $ 32,516.54
Smith, Sharon O CAL - University Library Clerical $ 29,946.64
McCafferty, Alan J CAL - University Library Clerical $ 27,287.10

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