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Number of people in CAL - School of Liberal A Department: 4
Maximum Salary:$ 160,288.86
Average Salary:$ 83,123.31
Minimum Salary:$ 26,936.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Corthell, Ronald CAL - School of Liberal A Faculty $ 160,288.86
Stankowski, Rebecca H CAL - School of Liberal A Faculty $ 94,473.06
Hejmej, Kathryn T CAL - School of Liberal A Operations/Technical $ 50,795.31
Banister, Kathryn A CAL - School of Liberal A Clerical $ 26,936.00

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Frantz, Gregory CAL - School of Liberal A Mgmt/Prof
Hilliard, Nathanial CAL - 1Registratn M/P Professional
Stone, Ruth WL - 4PolyKokomo Temporary Cler/Serv
Wetzel, Dawn CAL - Grad School Temporary
Denton, Andrew WL - 4TeachSucs Clerical
Wandel, Christopher CAL - Behavioral Sciences Service
Bergman, Megan WL - Registrar Post Doc
Winter, Dale CAL - Mechanical Engineer Admin/Prof
Bunch, Esther CAL - Building Services Post Doc Intern Res
Filley, Timothy WL - 4EnergyandCons Professional
Farrell, Kelley WL - Sponsored Program Se faculty

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