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Number of people in CAL - School of Education Department: 31
Maximum Salary:$ 194,227.52
Average Salary:$ 41,750.02
Minimum Salary:$ 1,000.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mueller, Ralph O CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 194,227.52
Gregory, Anne E CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 170,465.76
Schultz, Geoffrey F CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 110,083.73
Brusca-Vega, Rita CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 107,234.96
Hollingsworth, Lisa A CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 82,022.57
Didelot, Mary J CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 81,908.09
Taylor, LaVada U CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 81,119.00
Vaughan, Kelly P CAL - School of Education Faculty $ 67,452.32
Baker, Nicole R CAL - School of Education Visiting Faculty $ 63,200.03
Remschneider, Julie A CAL - School of Education Professional $ 59,000.00
Stephenson, Sheila T CAL - School of Education Professional $ 57,859.44
Blackwell, Maya K CAL - School of Education Professional $ 49,043.16
Kolopanis, Rochelle L CAL - School of Education Support $ 48,626.82
Timm, Amanda J CAL - School of Education Support $ 32,198.40
Wood, Shannon E CAL - School of Education Visiting Faculty $ 22,508.36
Vande Velde, Harry J CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 9,200.02
Moynihan, Amy P CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 7,600.09
Winborn, Stephanie N CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 7,450.02
Pearson, Richard F CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 6,600.02
Daniels-Moore, Leona S CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 6,600.01
Nicholson, Shannon M CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 5,400.04
Meyer, Kerry D CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 4,400.01
D'Abell, Faren CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 4,350.06
Blackman, Denise D CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 3,350.04
Sutton, Gary J CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 3,149.99
Burris, Amy E CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 2,300.03
Williams, Veronica Y CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 2,200.01
Toschlog, Jeremy J CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 1,600.05
Matthys, Deborah E CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 1,100.05
Green, Tiffany L CAL - School of Education Limited Term Lecture $ 1,000.00

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Moore, John+David CAL - 1EntAppSvcs Continuing Lecturer

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