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Number of people in CAL - Math Stat Department: 29
Maximum Salary:$ 121,993.64
Average Salary:$ 53,789.43
Minimum Salary:$ 2,700.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2019 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Yang, Shuhui CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 121,993.64
Elmendorf, Anthony D CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 113,944.68
Zhao, Hairong CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 108,028.22
Turbek, Peter S CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 98,250.07
Kraft, Roger L CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 95,884.78
Zhang, Ruijian CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 95,332.02
Tarfulea, Nicoleta CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 95,133.24
Ruan, Weihua CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 92,838.14
Tarfulea, Nicolae CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 92,494.55
Underwood-Gregg, Diana L CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 86,215.52
Merkovsky, Robert R CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 81,784.21
Hystad, Grethe CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 77,241.44
Aryal, Gokarna R CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 76,220.81
Gregg, Jeff L CAL - Math Stat & Co Faculty $ 69,293.90
Elias, Norma S CAL - Math Stat & Co Continuing Lecturer $ 52,597.78
Leonard, Michael E CAL - Math Stat & Co Continuing Lecturer $ 51,074.02
Hunter, Pamela A CAL - Math Stat & Co Support $ 40,214.57
Dubec, Rose M CAL - Math Stat & Co Temporary $ 29,583.00
Roothaan, Karen S CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 14,420.69
Nawrocki, John M CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 10,305.03
Mansour, Tareg G CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 10,000.06
Murchek, David E CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 8,800.01
Clauson, Alisa A CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 8,262.00
Housinger, Margaret M CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 8,000.04
Williams, Henry F CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 5,508.00
Davis, Brian D CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 5,508.00
Franklin, Virginia A CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 5,400.01
Jones, Darrell F CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 2,865.02
Deming, Michelle L CAL - Math Stat & Co Limited Term Lecture $ 2,700.00

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Weaver, Howard WL - Enrollment Mgmt Temporary Cler/Serv
Venis, Susana NC - VC Enrollment Mgmt Operations/Technical
Cruz, Wilfrido WL - Director of Dining Temporary
Cayon, Laura CAL - 1Registratn Fire/Police BW Sal

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