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Number of people in CAL - Enterprise Systems Department: 8
Maximum Salary:$ 70,001.28
Average Salary:$ 58,792.06
Minimum Salary:$ 43,414.98

Purdue University Salaries for 2012 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mattix, Denise A CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 70,001.28
Maniscalco, Karen CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 67,897.08
Smock, Steve F CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 63,849.66
Teske, Robert J CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 60,839.87
Talaga, John C CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 56,464.62
Stephen, Robert L CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 55,637.16
Kristin, Sherrie A CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 52,231.79
Kortmann, Bienjen R CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 43,414.98

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Keith, Marcia WL - 4Hospitality Graduate Student
Downey, Laura WL - Agricultural Communi Mgmt/Prof
Rhine, WL - Maps and Records Admin/Prof
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Harvey, Patricia WL - Vet Clinical Science Limited Term Lect
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