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Number of people in CAL - Enterprise Systems Department: 9
Maximum Salary:$ 69,489.30
Average Salary:$ 58,764.39
Minimum Salary:$ 42,518.76

Purdue University Salaries for 2011 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Mattix, Denise A CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 69,489.30
Castro, Jonathon B CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 68,821.63
Maniscalco, Karen CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 66,852.83
Smock, Steve F CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 63,576.30
Teske, Robert J CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 56,543.10
Talaga, John C CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 56,340.42
Stephen, Robert L CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 53,365.67
Kristin, Sherrie A CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 51,371.46
Kortmann, Bienjen R CAL - Enterprise Systems Admin/Prof $ 42,518.76

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Guo, Jin CAL - Enterprise Systems Faculty
Goller, Martha WL - Nursing Student
Hyde, NC - Heating and Power Clerical
Beltz, Jess CAL - Ofc of Mrktg Mgmt/Prof
Lyons, Sharlee NC - Financial Aid Admin/Prof
Cromett, Shawn NC - Admissions Professional
Otto, FW - Grounds Executive
Biehle, Donald CAL - Graduate School Adm Service
Wiegmann, Ricky WL - Honors College Post doc
Yelton, Linda WL - Tarkington Residence Fire/Police Mgmt
Dwivedi, Vipin WL - Accounting Services Fire/Police BW Sal

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