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Number of people in CAL - Counseling Center Department: 6
Maximum Salary:$ 94,087.56
Average Salary:$ 52,061.92
Minimum Salary:$ 21,834.71

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Jackson, Kenneth W CAL - Counseling Center Mgmt/Prof $ 94,087.56
Bartucci, Gina T CAL - Counseling Center Admin/Prof $ 66,150.58
Parsons-Rozycki, Ryan N CAL - Counseling Center Admin/Prof $ 57,000.84
Montalvo, Sandra A CAL - Counseling Center Clerical $ 44,033.08
Wade, Deborah L CAL - Counseling Center Admin/Prof $ 29,264.76
Schultz-Saindon, Kasey CAL - Counseling Center Admin/Prof $ 21,834.71

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Hostetler, Elisa FW - Health and Human Servi Temporary Cler/Serv
Hannon, Kevin CAL - 1Athletics Continuing Lecturer
Fairchild, WL - Civil Engineering faculty
Gorvie, Sylvan WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Service
Kelley, Todd WL - Building Services Limited Term Lecture
Inoue, Tomohito CAL - Purchasing and Gene M/P Professional
Nagar, Kartik WL - TAP/MEP Visiting Fac/Emeriti
Cox, Joseph WL - LD Limited Term Lect

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