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Number of people in CAL - Communication Department: 38
Maximum Salary:$ 131,106.06
Average Salary:$ 35,463.89
Minimum Salary:$ 2,699.99

Purdue University Salaries for 2020 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Carilli, Theresa M CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 131,106.06
Roach, Thomas J CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 119,205.61
Artz, Burton L CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 109,094.22
Nemeth, Neil A CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 108,689.12
Dunn, Daniel M CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 89,255.33
OConnor, Mary Beth CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 78,064.71
Teruelle, Rhon CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 72,066.83
Zhang, Yueqi CAL - Communication & Faculty $ 71,387.96
Carey, Jenne CAL - Communication & Continuing Lecturer $ 54,474.03
Okamoto Protsman, Erin CAL - Communication & Continuing Lecturer $ 48,744.00
Dado, Debra L CAL - Communication & Visiting Faculty $ 48,155.43
Bronowski, Kenneth P CAL - Communication & Continuing Lecturer $ 45,649.68
Nemri, Rhonda N CAL - Communication & Professional $ 42,959.40
Malec, Tyler CAL - Communication & Visiting Faculty $ 41,585.71
Shallow, Michael T CAL - Communication & Visiting Faculty $ 40,189.98
Giles, Jake B CAL - Communication & Service $ 35,009.52
Wakefield, Morganne B CAL - Communication & Visiting Faculty $ 25,838.40
Francoeur-Schmidt, Deanna M CAL - Communication & Continuing Lecturer $ 25,710.10
Matthies, Laura E CAL - Communication & Support $ 25,383.01
Andre, David P CAL - Communication & Visiting Faculty $ 17,684.39
Martinez, James J CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 15,300.06
Charles-Williams, Regina M CAL - Communication & Support $ 14,191.50
Wenrich, Tiffany L CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 13,900.05
Cardwell, Geoffrey T CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 8,300.07
Carioto, Rocco C CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 7,999.95
McCabe, Sue Morgan CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 6,200.08
Shukin, Paul CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 6,122.25
Platt, Shawn M CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 5,800.02
Rapstad, Jean E CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 5,400.05
Potempa, Philip M CAL - Communication & Limited Term Lecture $ 5,400.04

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