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Number of people in CAL - Chancellor Department: 16
Maximum Salary:$ 315,530.41
Average Salary:$ 77,633.62
Minimum Salary:$ 7,816.97

Purdue University Salaries for 2017 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Keon, Thomas L CAL - Chancellor Mgmt/Prof $ 315,530.41
Sanders, Timothy J CAL - Chancellor Mgmt/Prof $ 162,697.98
Jacobi, Judith N CAL - Chancellor Mgmt/Prof $ 110,908.08
Knox, Linda B CAL - Chancellor Mgmt/Prof $ 97,546.21
Odom, Laura S CAL - Chancellor Admin/Prof $ 78,356.22
Walton- Trajkovski, Kimberly R CAL - Chancellor Admin/Prof $ 72,251.32
Robinson, Daphne D CAL - Chancellor Admin/Prof $ 71,269.63
Plesac, Leslie L CAL - Chancellor Mgmt/Prof $ 61,521.20
Pardonek, Laura B CAL - Chancellor Admin/Prof $ 50,629.04
Cable, Amber L CAL - Chancellor Operations/Technical $ 39,867.62
Norman, Karen R CAL - Chancellor Clerical $ 38,249.47
MacDonald, Anne M CAL - Chancellor Operations/Technical $ 37,855.96
Kohler, Deborah M CAL - Chancellor Clerical $ 36,119.18
Bernel, Elizabeth H CAL - Chancellor Admin/Prof $ 32,376.56
Salazar, Naomi CAL - Chancellor Clerical $ 29,142.08
Aerts, Michelle E CAL - Chancellor Clerical $ 7,816.97

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Fairchild, CAL - 1Athletics faculty
Gorvie, Sylvan WL - Civil Engineering Service
Kelley, Todd WL - Medicinal Chem/Molec Limited Term Lecture
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