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Number of people in CAL - Career Services Department: 5
Maximum Salary:$ 74,877.84
Average Salary:$ 45,235.35
Minimum Salary:$ 30,762.27

Purdue University Salaries for 2011 Page 1 of 1
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Robinson, Shelly L CAL - Career Services Mgmt/Prof $ 74,877.84
Fiordelisi, Lorraine J CAL - Career Services Admin/Prof $ 42,071.06
Blades, Deborah J CAL - Career Services Admin/Prof $ 40,142.08
Staffeldt, Amy R CAL - Career Services Admin/Prof $ 38,323.50
Jimenez, Alexis CAL - Career Services Admin/Prof $ 30,762.27

Lists of recent Purdue University searches of
NamesDepartmentsEmployee Groups
Dean, CAL - Career Services Post doc
Jackson, Evan CAL - 1OffResearch Limited Term Lect
Graf, Pamela WL - 4Hall Music Mgmt/Prof
Hartman, Nathan FW - Grounds Admin/Prof
Adair, WIlliam WL - 4Bus Ofc PEC Temporary
Combs, Dierdre FW - Economics Service
Grigorescu, NC - Mechanical Operations/Technical
Vijaykumar, T WL - WL TARK Admin Student
Roosz, Joyce WL - Business Office Coll Professional
Lyn, WL - Honors Recruitment Executive
Todorovic, Zelimir WL - Office of Undergrad Visiting Faculty

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