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Number of people in CAL - 1WLSHTM Department: 36
Maximum Salary:$ 162,521.34
Average Salary:$ 25,680.42
Minimum Salary:$ 1,800.00

Purdue University Salaries for 2015 Page 1 of 2
Name Department Employee Group Salary
Flannery, Michael J CAL - 1WLSHTM Faculty $ 162,521.34
Farley, Geralyn A CAL - 1WLSHTM Faculty $ 91,912.15
Vorwald, David L CAL - 1WLSHTM Faculty $ 87,651.70
Fields, Rita A CAL - 1WLSHTM Faculty $ 71,874.22
Hack, Judith L CAL - 1WLSHTM Faculty $ 69,113.84
Kasche, Wendy L CAL - 1WLSHTM Visiting Fac/Emeriti $ 67,484.32
Stompor, Pitparnee CAL - 1WLSHTM Clin Res or NonTT $ 67,191.39
O'Donnell, Timothy J CAL - 1WLSHTM Clin Res or NonTT $ 50,677.48
Browder, Chynisse S CAL - 1WLSHTM Admin/Prof $ 46,731.39
Rhyne, Jeanne M CAL - 1WLSHTM Clerical $ 39,548.50
Fanno, David CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 22,431.37
Sypudt, Joanna T CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 13,053.00
West, Margaret B CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 11,999.98
Doherty, Sara L CAL - 1WLSHTM Temporary Cler/Serv $ 11,829.60
Ramey, Linnette E CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 11,070.01
Henning, Barbara C CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 10,800.00
Madrigal, Francisco I CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 7,929.79
Willis, Lashung CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 7,605.01
Schweitzer, Diane CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 7,605.01
Adam, Peter D CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 7,605.01
Stuber, Merievelyn CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 7,560.00
Bild, Allen CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 5,069.98
Phillips, Ryan M CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 5,069.98
Vogie, Roger D CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 5,035.01
Sain, Natoya CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 5,000.04
Schmidt-McNulty, Tina A CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 5,000.04
Pillarella, Deborah E CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 3,999.96
Batistatos, Speros A CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 2,534.99
Buckner, Roderick CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 2,500.02
Martinez, Victor CAL - 1WLSHTM Limited Term Lect $ 2,500.02

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Johnson, Peggy WL - Civil Engineering Operations/Technical
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Jansen, Curt CAL - School of Liberal A Continuing Lecturer
Davendralingam, Navindran WL - Mechanical Engineeri Faculty
Ogas, CAL - PoliSci/Econ/WL Admin/Prof
Senichev, Alexander WL - Mathematics Temporary Cler/Serv
Buller, Randall CAL - School of Education Temporary

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